Introducing New Improvements to our Edgecast Content Delivery Network User Management
In a previous blog post we discussed how we have begun a strategic initiative focused on providing a more intuitive and consistent user experience across all services in our platform. We are happy to report we have reached the next milestone in this continued effort.
Our Portals Web team has been working diligently to provide an improved user Administration (Admin) experience as a part of a larger ongoing effort to improve the user experience for the Edgecast Content Delivery Network (CDN) account management portal.
Since the user Admin pages are some of the most frequently used web pages in our portal, they’re a great place to demonstrate our enhanced user experience improvements that we will eventually roll out to the rest of our portal. With a main focus being on improving the user experience, most of the changes are cosmetic, meant to modernize and simplify our portal. However, we’ve also made two functionality changes as well:
1) We’re changing the default behavior from disabled to enabled for 2-Factor Authentication (2FA). This will provide additional security for our customers (customers can still disable 2FA on a per-user basis if desired. It’s just on by default now when creating a new user account).
2) We’ve removed the ability to specify additional emails addresses when rules have been approved. This was a rarely used feature that has become unnecessary due to the combination of changes to the Admin pages and Rules Engine.
We hope our customers enjoy the new user administration experience, and we look forward to providing many additional improvements in the near future.
Customers who log into their portal after April 14 should expect to see these new changes. We’d love to hear what you think of these changes, send us your feedback at